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No Mastodon connection after update to 2021.07

After the upgrade to 2021.07 using the full zip files, I came across a bug which I could fix with help from annando on github.

After that I do not see any php errors but I also do not get any messages from all my mastodon contacts. Can anyone give me a hint about this?

I'm using nginx as webserver and also nginx as reverse proxy in front of it. PHP is 7.3.

!Friendica Support

Unknown parent

Martin Winkler

Ok. Got it. The static files could not be accessed with my old nginx config. It is the sample from github but don't ask me how old exactly.

This is the "old" rewrite to front controller (I had a quick look in the history: 3+ years ago) which rewrites access to the folder /static also to the front controller:

  # rewrite to front controller as default rule
  location / {
    if ($is_args != "") {
        rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?pagename=$uri&$args last;
    rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?pagename=$uri last;

This is the latest rewrite which tries available files first:
  # rewrite to front controller as default rule
  location / {
    try_files $uri /index.php?pagename=$uri&$args;

Thanks again for your fast help @Michael Vogel.
In the future I need to check the nginx config more frequently.
Unknown parent

Martin Winkler

Yes it is fine. I used the latest one completely:…